52 Postcards | Week 18

I have a seven year old boy at home right now. And nothing is funnier than poop, farts, and burps. (I'll admit, I'm a month shy of 40 and I still think poop, farts and burps are pretty funny too).

The other night we were talking and one of us said "full diaper." We laughed, and it was the first time Windham got the joke. He is right in that sweet spot where he is getting sarcasm, puns and the implied. We had a long discussion about why "full diaper" is funnier than "poop." We decided it would be a great band name and a great thing to put on a t-shirt. Later, he suggested I do it for my block print. I immediately told him that was the best idea ever. (see first paragraph.)

A few days later I asked W what he would say to someone who asked him what his shirt was all about. He paused and said "I would tell them to think about it for a minute." He thinks this is the greatest thing ever. I agree.

There will be t-shirts.


Niji Carving Knives + Speedball carving tool
Moo Carve
Speedball black water-soluble ink
Strathmore Bristol paper, 300 series, 100lb. 270 g/m2